

Please see below for the styles we have available for purchase.
Also please note the rental coolers will not necessarily be the same models offered for sale although we can usually accommodate your choice of color. Rental coolers are not rent-to-own.

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Hot & Cold Dispenser

Rental: $15.00 Per Month

Purchase: $260.00

The hot water feature is accompanied with a child safety protection.

The stainless steel water contact provides superior chilling.

The drip tray is removable for easy cleaning.

Can be ordered in black or white.

Stainless Steel - Hot & Cold Dispenser

Rental: $15.00 Per Month

Purchase: $260.00

The hot water feature is accompanied with a child safety protection.

The stainless steel water contact provides superior chilling.

The drip tray is removable for easy cleaning.

Bottom Loaded Cooler  
Bottom Loading - Hot, Cold & Room Dispenser

Purchase: $300.00
The hot water feature is accompanied with a child safety protection.

The stainless steel water contact provides superior chilling.

The drip tray is removable for easy cleaning.