
Bottle Sizes And Prices

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5 Gallon Returnable Lexan Bottle
There is a $6 refundable deposit on each bottle.
Price per bottle: $13.00
Picked up at our office: $12.00
3 Gallon Returnable Lexan Bottle
There is a $6 refundable deposit on each bottle.
Price per bottle: $10.00
Picked up at our office: $9.00
1 Liter - Non-returnable, recyclable Pet Bottles
Packed 12 to a case
Price per case: $16.00
Picked up at our office: $15.00
1/2 Liter - Non-returnable, recyclable Pet Bottles
Packed 24 to a case
Price per case: $22.00
Picked up at our office: $21.00