Customer Testimonials
The popularity of Rain Fresh® Water is due mainly to word-of-mouth recommendations from customers and health
professionals. Here are some of our favorite comments from our customers:
"In 2004 I was diagnosed with stage 3C inflammatory cancer with a 22% chance of survival.
In 2005 I was diagnosed with diabetes. My health, to say the least, was plummeting. I
believe that Rain Fresh, my faith, prayers and my stubbornness are what kept me here.
In December of 2014 I had surgery and inhalation therapy was required. My oxygen levels
during the therapy were at 97% and that was with a scarred lung from radiation. I was
floored when the therapist told me. She wanted to know how I had such great oxygen levels
and I told her Rain Fresh.
In February of 2015 I started dabbling with essential oils and took the Zoto test for balance
in my system. I was the oldest person there and had more health issues than any of the other
14 people there and my Zoto test came back with only 18 elements/areas that were out of
balance- the best numbers of anyone else there. I do not take supplements or vitamins but I
do drink lots and lots of my Rain Fresh Water. I feel great and have amazing energy and the
only thing I do differently is enjoy my Rain Fresh Water. Drink and enjoy a healthy life."
Sharla Patterson
"I've been drinking Rain Fresh water for about 12 years now. My husband and I love it. So much so that when we go on
vacation or are out of the city for a couple of days, the very first thing we do when we get back to our home is head
for the Rain Fresh dispenser. I sometimes even take a pitcher of Rain Fresh to the office even though we have filtered
water there."
Mitzi T. Barnes
As I reflect on my blessings during this holiday season, I count Rain Fresh water among the things I feel most fortunate
to have in my life. I discovered it in a health food store over ten years ago. I was hydration-aware and thirsty. I read
your label, was impessed by the purification, intrigued by the stabilized oxygen, and bought a bottle. I have been a
steadfast customer ever since. It was indescribably free of taste and no matter how fast I drank it, I did not gag or
choke--it seemed "thinner" than other waters. It was the most refreshing and satisfying water I had ever consumed. I bought
some for my husband and daughter to try and soon the 3 of us would drink no other water.We've enjoyed home delivery for many
many years now, and actually joke about not being able to move to any location outside your delivery area.
I give Rainfresh to all my massage therapy clients and my husband, a long haul flatbed driver, won't go on the road without
a 5 gallon bottle in his truck. Thanks so much for this amazing product, and for all the years of excellent customer service.
Val McKinley
Professional Testimonials
We have the support of many health professionals. Here is what a few of them have to say about Rain Fresh®:
I have lived with a chronic immune system illness since 1994.
Somewhere around 1996 my first healer told me to drink Rain Fresh Water. I refused because I didn't like the
taste of water bottled in plastic. I could taste the plastic. When a dear friend of this healer told me to drink
Rain Fresh Water for my health because it was "homeopathy in a bottle," I decided to give it a try.
I was instantly hooked simply because it tastes so darned good. My scientific mind likes the idea of getting more
oxygen to my tissues. I know Rain Fresh Water alkalinizes my body making my body less susceptible to cancer. Now
don't that beat all? Cancer doesn't like to grow in a high oxygen environment. I also know that by drinking Rain
Fresh Water my red blood cells are happy, healthy and flexible so that they can get through a capillary which is where
everything happens. Most of us don't even know that because of our diet our red blood cells stick together in a stacked
formation called rouleaux. These stacks branch together making it impossible for blood cells to squeeze through our capillaries.
I like it so much that I grieved when I moved out of the Dallas area in 2003. I missed it so badly that I now drive
from Houston to the plant in Garland to buy a truckload of Rain Fresh at a time. And I will continue to do so no matter
what the cost of gas!
I HAVE TO HAVE MY RAIN FRESH! I also serve it to my hospitalized animal patients.
My advice to anyone reading this?....try it, you'll like it. And if you want to know what it does for your blood -
both your red and white cells- find someone who can do dark field microscopic exams of your live blood before and after
you drink Rain Fresh.
Dr. Nancy Goble, DVM
Owner of Little York Veterinary Clinic
"If there is one thing, aside from God, that is most important in your life it is good water.
These days you literally can not trust the water that is being brought to your table. The water
is allowed to have so many contaminants and still be "acceptable" for consumption. Your body deserves better.
My clinics have been utilizing Rain Fresh water for over a decade now. Rain Fresh provides clean, oxygenated,
tasteless water that rejuvenates your system rather than breaks it down.
My patients all enjoy Rain Fresh water and many have placed it in their homes. I tell my patients as a rule of thumb an individual should drink half
their body's weight in ounces. People may think that is a lot of water. Think about it. When is the last time
you drank a 44 ounce beverage from the gas station?
Many ailments that people suffer from today stem from malnutrition and dehydration. It does not even take a visit
to the doctor to stay hydrated. I highly recommend that you choose Rain Fresh as your healthy water source. It is
a local family owned business that is second to none.
Thank you Cindy for all the years of great water for me, my family and my patients".
In health,
Dr. Darcy E. Brunk
Achieve Chiropractic
"As a medical doctor, I have found water to be [an] important element in any health regimen. Rain Fresh Water
is by far the most superior water product I have used both for my own family and for my patients [...] I highly
recommend this product to anyone who desires a high quality water for their diet."
Dr. William Lee Cowden
"It's fresh and clear and crisp. You wouldn't think that you could taste the difference in water, but you can. And
it's just really good water. It doesn't have all the bad things that other waters have.
It's like drinking air."
Tricia Brown, Better Body
"We think it's about one of the best waters out there. We've been a customer for a long time. We always feel very
refreshed when we drink it."
Martha Chrane, Alphabiotic New Life Center
"As a doctor I can say we need oxygen in our tissues, but just [as] a regular person I can honestly say I never
liked bottled water until I tasted Rain Fresh. The first sip hooked me, and I won't leave home without it. I now
drink more water!"
Dr. Nancy Madera